About Us
The Healthier Barrington Coalition is a partnership of 25 area groups, working together to improve the local quality of life. The coalition brings community leaders, organizations and interested individuals together in order to make the Barrington area and component communities healthier places to live, work and play through collaborative action.
The coalition includes the following members:
- Barrington Youth and Family Services
- Character Counts in the Barrington Area
- Citizens for Conservation
- Cuba Township
- Family Service of the Barrington Area
- JourneyCare
- Leave No Child Inside
- NAMI Barrington Area (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
- Samaritan Counseling Center
- Smart Farm of Barrington
- Village of Barrington
- Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital
- Barrington Area Chamber of Commerce
- Barrington Area Council of Governments
- Barrington Area Council on Aging
- Barrington Area Development Council
- Barrington Area Library
- Barrington Area Safety Council
- Barrington Area United Way
- Barrington Career Center
- Barrington CUSD 220
- Barrington Park District
- Barrington Township
- BStrong Together
This resource website was developed for the Barrington Area to assist community members to easily and quickly identify local mental health and substance abuse treatment, counseling and support programs. The goal of the website is to increase the percentage of Barrington Area residents who “know where to go” to seek help for mental health and substance abuse issues.
Jeanne Ang, Director of Community Health
Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital
Community Health Program
450 West Highway 22
Barrington, Illinois 60010